About the company

AS EG Ehitus is a company within the AS Eesti Gaas group. Its principal area of activity is the construction of water, sewerage, heating and gas pipelines, design and construction of boiler plants and repair work.

AS EG Ehitus was founded in December 2004 based on pre-existing structures and workforce.

AS EG Ehitus brings to your property, house and company all of the pipe connections and, if necessary, cables and wiring, and installs heating and boiler equipment into the building.

AS EG Ehitus offers turnkey individual pipeline solutions as well as design-build projects for entire districts.

AS EG Ehitus employees have speciality training and long experience.

AS EG Ehitus is a member of the Estonian Gas Association and the Estonian Chamber of commerce and Industry.

Field, area of activity : Construction, Design, Building, Owner’s Supervision, equipment, Construction of Gas Installations, Pressurised Equipment Work, Electrical Work, Gas Work

Quality, Environment and Occupational Safety

The AS EG Ehitus management system has been declared compliant with quality system standard ISO 9001:2015, environmental management standard ISO 14001:2015 and the occupational health and safety standard OHSAS 18001:2007 requirements.

BVQI has issued certificates for the quality, environment and occupational health and safety confirming that EG Ehitus meets the following standards:

  • the management is in line with international requirements;
  • activities are systematic on all levels, oriented at quality and environmental friendliness;
  • employees aim to reduce generation of waste and maximise use of resources;
  • in their activities, employees abide by law, regulations, rules and other requirements and good construction practices;
  • employees are engaged constantly in improving their management system so as to render better service to clients, and ensure reliability and competitiveness.

Principles of Use of Personal Data at Eesti Gaas Group

At Eesti Gaas Group we place high value in confidentiality and protection of personal data. These Principles of Use of Personal Data (hereinafter “Principles”) reflect the manner in which personal data of natural persons1 (hereinafter “Personal data”) are processed at Eesti Gaas Group. To read more about the Group and its structure go to https://www.gaas.ee/en/company/. Additional terms and conditions of above processing may also be set out in agreements and other documents.